
Psalm 16:11 - Fullness of Joy is in Gods Presence.

Psalm 16:11 (NKJV) You will show me the path 
of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; 
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.  


Joy comes from being in Gods presence. 
True joy is far deeper than happiness; we can 
feel joy in spite of our deepest troubles. 
Happiness is temporary because it is based on external 
circumstances, but joy is lasting because it is based on 
Gods presence within us. As we contemplate his 
daily presence, we will find contentment. As we 
understand the future he has for us, we will experience 
joy. Dont base your life on circumstances, but 
on God. [Life Application SB] 


   It opened in 1846 and is considered the 
oldest continuously operating amusement park in the 
United States. Lake Compounce, located in Bristol 
and Southington, Connecticut, spans 332 acres 
and includes a beach and water park called 
Crocodile Cove. It has one of the oldest operating 
wooden roller coasters in the world - Wildcat, 
built in 1927 - and now has a newer award-winning 
wooden roller coaster called Boulder Dash. 
   People have been seeking amusement at 
parks, fairs, pleasure gardens, and exhibitions for 
hundreds of years - entertainment that has included 
acrobatics, juggling, mechanical rides, music concerts, 
fireworks, and more. But how many leave with a feeling 
of emptiness, both in their pocketbooks and in 
their hearts? Where can one find pure, wholesome 
   Today's Bible promise points to the true 
pathway to "fullness of joy" and "pleasures 
forevermore." It is found in God's presence. While Satan 
offers substitutes for lasting happiness, the Lord 
is the source of eternal delights. The fleeting 
indulgences of this world are focused on self. But 
nothing can replace the enjoyment of serving others 
and seeing lives experience positive change 
through a personal relationship with Jesus. Christ 
said, "Give, and it will be given to you: good 
measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running 
over will be put into your bosom. For with the 
same measure that you use, it will be measured 
back to you" (Luke 6:38). 
   Have you ever walked away from attending 
a frivolous amusement event and wondered, "Is 
that all?" Remember David's words: "You will show 
me the path of life" It's not a road to an 
amusement park but a path to heaven. 
   O Lord, I have tasted the empty pleasures 
of this world. Please fill me with eternal joys 
that only come from You. [The Most Amazing Bible 
Promises by Amazing Facts] 


Enjoying God's Presence
   Have you ever watched a young couple 
communicate their love for each other without even 
saying a word? Maybe you have experienced it 
yourself. Every glance, every touch, every smile 
conveys love. People deeply in love find absolute 
bliss simply being in each other's presence.  
   In the same way, simply being in the 
presence of God brings us great joy. It happens as we 
listen to Him speak in His Word; It happens as we 
pray. But it also happens as we simply enjoy His 
presence - meditating on His goodness, delighting in 
the beauty of His creation, rejoicing in the 
life of a new baby or the surprise of an 
unexpected blessing. The Bible says, "Be still, and 
know that I am God" (Ps. 46:10). 
   Someday we will be in His presence 
forever; the Bible says, "God Himself will be with 
them" (Rev. 21:3). What joy that will be! But in 
the meantime, delight in His presence right now, 
for He is with you every hour of the day. [Hope 
for Each Day by Billy Graham] 


Psalm 16:11 - Fullness of Joy is in God's 





