
John 17:13 - Joy In Jesus.

John 17:13 (NIV) I say these things while I 
am still in the world, so that they may have 
the full measure of my joy within them.  


JOY 5479: Joy is the second of the graces of 
the Spirit listed by Paul (Gal. 5:22). True joy 
is not found in noisy laughter or in giddy 
excitement caused by the worlds shallow pleasures. 
The Christian finds his joy in resting in the 
love of Christ, in victories won, and in 
unselfish service for humanity. Joy will reach its 
highest realization in the world to come, but a high 
degree of joy may be experienced here and now by 
those who abide in Christ. [SDA Bible Commentary 
re John 15:11] 


John 17:6-19: Jesus Prays for His Disciples.

   As Jesus was entering into the last days 
of his life on earth, he prayed for his 
disciples and for all disciples to come.  His 
petitions were for union with the Father, joy, 
protection, and usefulness.  The sequence of those 
petitions is significant (Joh.17:11-17) 
   Friendship with Christ is the first 
priority and is basic for the qualities that follow.  
Out of that intimate, love relationship, joy is 
a logical consequence.  Jesus knew, as he 
prayed for his disciples, that if they did indeed 
come into fellowship with him and exhibit the 
kind of full-fledged joy that he gives, there 
would be opposition from the world, and so he 
prayed not that his disciples would be protected 
from the world or taken out of it into a kind of 
insulated, holy huddle, but that they would be 
protected from anything that would destroy that union 
and joy.  Then, out of that dynamic partnership, 
usefulness would naturally flow. 
   The more I know Him, the more I 
experience that deep inner well of joy that is not 
dependent on external circumstances.  This joy is 
present even in the midst of suffering and sorrow; 
it is a motivating power even in discouragement 
and dismay.  [Jeanie Miley; Time with God 
devotional SB] 


Christ's Joy Within You
   In the cut-throat business world, it is 
sometimes better to share secrets. After Sony debuted 
its Beta videocassette recorder in the 1970s, it 
kept the technology to itself. At the same time, 
JVC, the Japanese creator of the VHS format, 
freely shared its secrets with other firms, 
encouraging them to develop their own versions. In no 
time, VHS machines became the dominant format, and 
Sony's Beta ended up in the consumer electronics 
   The principle of sharing is foundational 
in God's kingdom. When Jesus sent out His 
disciples to do missionary work after His manner, He 
told them, "Freely you have received, freely 
give" (Matthew 10:8). What Christ asked of His 
followers, He demonstrated in His own life. "The Son of 
Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and 
to give His life a ransom for many" (Matthew 
   Today's Bible promise is no exception. 
Jesus wanted the joy that He experienced in 
service to be shared with His disciples, "that they 
may have the full measure of My joy within them" 
(John 17:13, NIV). How do we get this joy? By 
listening to the words of Jesus and following His way 
of living. The Holy Spirit is key to bringing 
Bible truth home to our hearts. And joy is 
certainly a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22, 23). 
   True joy is not found in beating your 
business competitor or in the laughter caused by 
cheap comedy. You will find joy only by following 
Jesus, resting in His love, experiencing victory in 
your life through His Spirit, and in unselfish 
service for others. 
   Is your pursuit of joy leading you to the 
graveyard - or to the kingdom of heaven? 
   Jesus, I long for Your joy to be my joy. 
I choose to push aside selfishness and give my 
life in service to others. [The Most Amazing 
Bible Promises by Amazing Facts] 


Dont Relax Your Grip
   I think we all know people who have made 
a so-called commitment to follow Jesus, and 
then they mysteriously fall away. We saw them in 
church week after week or maybe month after month 
for a time. Then suddenly, they disappeared. 
   Where did they go? What happened to them? 
They no longer respond to text messages, emails, 
or phone calls. Theyre simply gone. And then 
we find out they fell away spiritually. 
   Their marriage may have fallen apart, or 
maybe they went back to the old life again and 
started doing what they used to do. But they no 
longer have any interest in following Jesus. 
   Maybe youve wondered, Wow, if 
someone like that could fall away, then am I 
   My answer might surprise you: thats 
entirely up to you. God has given us a free will, so 
if you want to fall, you certainly can. But if 
you want to be safe in the protective arms of 
Jesus, then that is exactly where you will be. 
   In John 17, Jesus prayed for our 
preservation. He said, Now I am departing from the 
world; they are staying in this world, but I am 
coming to you. Holy Father, you have given me your 
name; now protect them by the power of your name 
so that they will be united just as we are 
(verse 11 NLT). 
   God wants to preserve you, but you have 
to do your part. The moment you fail to move 
forward spiritually is the moment you effectively 
begin to go backward. But falling away doesnt 
happen overnight. Generally, its a matter of 
relaxing your grip here or there. You gradually do a 
little less of the things that help you to grow 
spiritually, and it starts the process of slowing down. 
   If you want to be close to the Lord, that 
is entirely up to you. [Greg Laurie from 
Harvest Ministries; https://www.harvestdaily.com] 


How true are the words of the apostle, 
Where envying and strife is, there is confusion 
and every evil work. One person in an 
institution or in a church who gives loose rein to 
unkind thoughts by speaking evil of the brethren, 
may stir up the worst passions of the human 
heart, and spread abroad a leaven of evil that will 
work in all who come into association with him. 
In this way the enemy of all righteousness 
gains the victory, and the result of his work is 
to make of no effect the Saviours prayer 
when He pleaded that His disciples might be one 
as He is one with the Father (RH March 12, 
1895). 7BC937 


Happiness Come And Goes
Joy Comes And Grows


Karen Peck and New River, Joy Gardner - Joy 
in My Heart 


John 17:13 - Joy In Jesus.


John 15:11 - Dynamics of Joy.


Galatians 5:22, 23 - The Fruit of the Spirit.


