
Romans 8:18 - Look Beyond the Gloom to the Glory!!!

Romans 8:18 (NKJV) For I consider that the 
sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be 
compared with the glory which shall be revealed in 

Romans 8:18 (NLT) Yet what we suffer now is 
nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us 


The entire creation has been affected by 
mans sin and is subject to decay. One day, when 
our redemption is complete, and our bodies, like 
our spirits, have been renewed, creation itself 
will be fully redeemed. Till then, mortality 
means suffering. For us, and for nature. We know 
that our sufferings are insignificant when 
compared to the glory that awaits us. But till then, 
we can only look ahead, confident and eager, 
waiting for Jesus to return. [The 365-Day Devotional 

We are not frustrated by the suffering we 
experience or see in our world because we have hope. 
When Jesus returns, we will enter into glorious 
liberty! The Spirit is the beginning of the harvest 
and assures us that the best is yet to come. 
[Chapter by Chapter Bible Commentary by Warren 


   I went to a bridal shower this past 
weekend at a venue right on the ocean. The oceanside 
wall of the room was made up entirely of 
plate-glass windows. Nothing obstructed our view of the 
cobalt-blue sky, puffy white clouds, and dancing waves. 
As I raved about the vista to the father of the 
soon-to-be bride, he said that when he signed the 
contract for the space, he tried to write in, 
"Windows must be perfectly clean the day of." The 
manager explained he couldn't allow that. They clean 
the windows weekly but aren't in control of the 
weather. If a storm blows in between cleaning day and 
an event, there's always the possibility of 
   Sure enough, when I looked closer, there 
were streaks on the windows. I'd overlooked them 
in order to see that stunning view beyond. 
Newly aware of the smudges, I began to fixate on 
them, until I realized doing so was stealing my 
joy. So, I made a conscious decision to overlook 
them again and focus solely on the beauty 
   So goes my life. Nothing is perfect. 
There's no guarantee that Jesus will make my path 
clear or wipe away my hardships. But He always 
gives me the choice: fixate on what's wrong and 
miss the joy in life, or acknowledge and accept 
imperfections and consciously choose to look beyond. By 
doing that, I can clearly see all the ways He 
blesses my life with beauty and good. Clarey 
   Faith Step: When you look out your window 
today, work to overlook an imperfections, streaks, 
or smudges in order to give thanks for the 
beauty beyond. [Mornings With Jesus 2024 Devotional 
by Guideposts and Zondervan] 


Seeing Beyond
   There's never been a scientific 
instrument quite like the James Webb Space Telescope, 
which has been sent millions of miles away from 
Earth into orbit around the sun. The telescope's 
18 gold-plated mirrors capture infrared light, 
allowing astronomers to observe more of the universe 
than ever before. Each time a new and more 
powerful telescope sends back pictures of the 
heavens, we have an opportunity to grow in awe at the 
size of God's creation. 
   When the apostle Paul reflected on his 
present sufferings, he knew by faith that there is a 
bigger picture beyond what his senses could 
register. What he and fellow Christians have endured 
in this world are "not worthy to be compared 
with the glory which shall be revealed in us." As 
he thought about the persecutions he was 
experiencing - whippings, beatings, and being jailed for 
his faith - his spiritual eyes were lifted ever 
higher to the heavens and to a glorious future. 
Like peering through a powerful telescope, Paul 
knew that his present sufferings were small 
compared with the reality of the coming glory. 
   In truth, the glorious beauties of heaven 
are found in Jesus Christ - and the glory that 
will "be revealed in us" is the magnificent 
character of our Savior. The "sufferings of this 
present time" help shape and develop us as children 
of God. The most powerful telescope cannot show 
us what we will finally look like, for "it has 
not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we 
know that when He is revealed, we shall be like 
Him, for we shall see Him as He is" (1 John 
   Dear Jesus, I know the sufferings I now 
experience are temporary, only a small blip in the 
light of a glorious eternity with You. [The Most 
Amazing Bible Promises by Amazing Facts] 

   The years of self-denial, of privation, 
of trial, affliction, and persecution that Paul 
endured, he called a moment. The things of the 
present time were not considered worth mentioning 
when compared with the eternal weight of glory 
that awaited them when the warfare should be 
over. These very afflictions were God's workmen, 
ordained for the perfection of Christian character. 
Whatever may be the circumstances of the Christian, 
however dark and mysterious may be the ways of 
Providence, however great his deprivation and suffering, 
he may look away from them all to the unseen 
and the eternal. He has the blessed assurance 
that all things are working for his good  
   He was not able to find words of 
sufficient force to express the excellency of that 
glory, honor, and immortality which believers would 
receive when Christ should come. Compared with the 
scene upon which his mind's eye was dwelling, all 
temporal afflictions were but momentary, light 
afflictions, unworthy of thought. Viewed in the light of 
the cross, the things of this life were vanity 
and emptiness. The glory that attracted him was 
substantial, weighty, durable, beyond the power of 
language to describe. 6BC1099-1100 

   In all ages Satan has persecuted the 
people of God. He has tortured them and put them to 
death, but in dying they became conquerors. They 
bore witness to the power of One mightier than 
Satan. Wicked men may torture and kill the body, 
but they cannot touch the life that is hid with 
Christ in God. They can incarcerate men and women 
in prison walls, but they cannot bind the 
   Through trial and persecution the glory - 
the character - of God is revealed in His chosen 
ones. The believers in Christ, hated and 
persecuted by the world, are educated and disciplined 
in the school of Christ. On earth they walk in 
narrow paths; they are purified in the furnace of 
affliction. They follow Christ through sore conflicts; 
they endure self- denial and experience bitter 
disappointments; but thus they learn the guilt and woe of 
sin, and they look upon it with abhorrence. Being 
partakers of Christ's sufferings, they can look beyond 
the gloom to the glory, saying, "I reckon that 
the sufferings of this present time are not 
worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be 
revealed in us." Romans 8:18.  AA576,7 

While the Lord has not promised His people 
exemption from trials, He has promised that which is 
far better. He has said, "As thy days, so shall 
thy strength be." "My grace is sufficient for 
thee: for My strength is made perfect in 
weakness." Deuteronomy 33:25; 2 Corinthians 12:9. If 
you are called to go through the fiery furnace 
for His sake, Jesus will be by your side even as 
He was with the faithful three in Babylon. 
Those who love their Redeemer will rejoice at 
every opportunity of sharing with Him humiliation 
and reproach. The love they bear their Lord 
makes suffering for His sake sweet. MB30 


Romans 8:18 - Look Beyond the Gloom to the 



