
Revelation 2:4, 5 - The Priority of Relationship.

Revelation 2:4, 5 (NIV) Yet I hold this 
against you: You have forsaken your first love. 5 
Remember the height from which you have fallen! 
Repent and do the things you did at first. If you 
do not repent, I will come to you and remove 
your lampstand from its place. 

Revelation 2:4, 5 (NLT) But I have this 
complaint against you. You dont love me or each 
other as you did at first! 5 Look how far you have 
fallen! Turn back to me and do the works you did at 
first. If you dont repent, I will come and 
remove your lampstand from its place among the 


They had lost their zeal for God. They were 
a busy church - the members did much to 
benefit themselves and the community - but they were 
acting out of the wrong motives. Work for God must 
be motivated by love for God or it will not 
last. [Life Application SB] 


   The warmth of their first love is frozen 
up, and unless they are watered over by the 
baptism of the Holy Spirit, their candlestick will 
be removed out of its place, except they repent 
and do their first works. The first works of the 
church were seen when the believers sought out 
friends, relatives, and acquaintances, and with 
hearts overflowing with love told the story of what 
Jesus was to them and what they were to 
   Selfishness mars all that unconsecrated 
workers do. They have need to pray always, but they 
do not. They need to watch unto prayer. They 
have need to feel the sacredness of the work, but 
they do not feel this. They handle sacred things 
as they do common things. Spiritual things are 
spiritually discerned, and until they can drink of the 
water of life, and Christ be in them as a well of 
water springing up unto everlasting life, they 
will refresh no one, bless no one; and except 
they repent, their candlestick will be removed 
out of its place. There is need of enduring 
patience, of invincible charity, of omnipotent faith 
in the work of saving souls. Self must not be 
prominent. Wisdom from Christ must be exercised in 
dealing with human minds. Every worker who deals 
with souls successfully must come to the work 
divested of self...... 
   Those who do not learn every day in the 
school of Christ, who do not spend much time in 
earnest prayer, are not fit to handle the work of 
God in any of its branches; for if they do, 
human depravity will surely overcome them and they 
will lift up their souls unto vanity. TM167-73 


Yes, Its a Big Deal
   Some Christians are sticklers for correct 
doctrine, yet many of them are miserable, mean, 
arrogant, and condemning. Then there are Christians 
who are very active and busy for God, but their 
love for the Lord seems to be lacking. 
   The love that we have for Christ can be 
walked away from. Sometimes we dont love Him as 
we once did. We can look back on our lives as 
Christians and say there was a time in our walk with 
the Lord when our love for Him was much 
   This often happens in marriage. We might 
see a young couple holding hands, gazing into 
each others eyes, and showing affection, and 
we assume that they must be newly married. Why? 
Because people who have been married for a while 
typically dont do those things anymore. 
   The same can happen in our faith. The 
affection is gone. The passion is gone. And the 
communication has broken down. In effect, the honeymoon is 
   This was the situation with the church in 
Ephesus that Jesus addressed in the Book of 
Revelation. The Ephesians were active, busy, and engaged 
as a church, but they were lacking in love. So 
Jesus said, I know all the things you do. I 
have seen your hard work and your patient 
endurance  But I have this complaint against you. 
You dont love me or each other as you did at 
first! (Revelation 2:2, 4 NLT). 
   Its important for us to understand 
that these were the words of Jesus to a literal 
church in the ancient city of Ephesus. Its 
possible that both the apostle Paul and the apostle 
John had pastored it. And when John wrote down 
the words of Revelation while he was on the 
island of Patmos, this church was in its second 
   That means by this time, many of these 
people in the Ephesian church had been raised in a 
Christian home. They had been born to believing 
parents and had been taught the Word of God from 
their youth. 
   We also know they were a very active 
church that served the Lord with great effort. 
Notice Jesus said, I have seen your hard work 
and your patient endurance (verse 2 NLT). In 
the original Greek, the term hard work 
indicates an effort that produced work even at the 
cost of pain. 
   These people were hardworking. They were 
discerning. They were faithful. But they were guilty of 
a sin the average person could not detect: 
they had left their first love. 
   These believers in Ephesus were so busy 
maintaining their separation, they were neglecting their 
adoration. They were substituting perspiration for 
inspiration. But was it really that big of a deal? 
   Yes, it was. Because as you read the 
words of Jesus to the seven churches in 
Revelation, you will see things getting progressively 
worse, culminating in the outright rejection of 
Christ in the church of Laodicea, where He is on 
the outside trying to get in. 
   Its a big deal to leave your first 
love, because it ultimately can lead to worse 
things. [Greg Laurie from Harvest Ministries; 

The Gradual Fall
   Remember when you first came to faith in 
Jesus Christ? What a joy it was to pray. You never 
knew that you could talk to God, and you realized 
that you could call on Him wherever you were, no 
matter what you were facing. Prayer was a 
privilege, and you utilized it. 
   Then there was the Bible, the users 
manual of life. You finally had the Book that told 
you how to live your life, what your priorities 
ought to be, and how to be a good husband, a good 
wife, and a good parent. And most importantly, it 
told you how to get to Heaven. 
   And church? You couldnt wait to get to 
church. You would go to a weekend service, a midweek 
service, and listen to Bible teaching on the radio. 
You read Christian books. You couldnt get 
enough in your life. 
   Sharing your faith was easy for you. It 
was the overflow of your Christ-filled life, and 
you were always looking for opportunities to 
talk to someone about Jesus. 
   But things have changed. You still study 
the Bible, but not as much as you used to. You 
still pray, but its a quick prayer here and 
there. Sure, you go to church. In fact, you sit in 
the same place every week, and no one had better 
try to take your seat. However, if the preacher 
goes over his allotted time, youre not happy. 
And you sometimes have to leave early to beat 
the traffic. 
   You share your faith - once in a while. 
But instead of having a conversation with 
someone about Christ, you feel that others should 
simply look at your example as a follower of 
   Heres the question: Have you left your 
first love? 
   Jesus said to the church of Ephesus, 
Look how far you have fallen! Turn back to me and 
do the works you did at first (Revelation 
2:5 NLT). 
   Does this mean that leaving your first 
love is falling spiritually? Yes, it does, 
because it can lead to worse things. 
   A classic example of this is King David. 
The Bible describes him as a man after 
[Gods] own heart (1 Samuel 13:14 NLT) and the 
sweet psalmist of Israel (2 Samuel 23:1 NLT). 
But he also was an adulterer and, in effect, a 
   David didnt start that way. When the 
Bible first introduces us to him, he is a young 
boy watching his flock of sheep and writing love 
songs to the Lord. But fast-forward a number of 
years, and David is kicking back at a time when 
kings would lead their troops into battle. We 
dont read of him writing beautiful psalms or 
singing to the Lord. We dont see his tender 
   He left his first love, and as a result, 
his life was a mess. It all fell apart for him. 
   Have you left your first love? It can 
happen so easily. Get back to your first love for 
Jesus Christ. Love Him with all your heart, soul, 
and mind. [Greg Laurie from Harvest Ministries; 


Love Is an Action
   Love is an action, not just an emotion. 
Love is something you do. 
   Its easy to love somebody who loves 
you, isnt it? It takes nothing at all. 
   But real love acts and does the loving 
thing when people dont deserve it, when they 
dont respond to it, or when you dont feel it. 
In fact, acting in love when you dont feel 
it is the highest form of love. Its a more 
mature love when you act loving toward a person who 
does not respond the same way. 
   Have you noticed that its easier to 
act your way into a feeling than it is to feel 
your way into an action? 
   Some of you have been married for a long 
time, and the truth is, the flame has gone out. 
The thrill is gone. Youre living separate 
lives in the same house. How do you rekindle that 
romance? How do you rekindle the feeling of love? 
   You act your way into a feeling. You may 
say, I dont feel like acting loving toward 
my spouse. So what? If you start acting in 
love, I guarantee you the feelings will follow - 
because feelings follow behavior. 
   In Revelation 2:4-5, Jesus says to the 
church, You have abandoned the love you had at 
first. Remember therefore from where you have 
fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first 
   What Jesus told the church is the same 
principle for renewing the love in a marriage or any 
other relationship. You remember, you repent, and 
you do the things you did at first. The reason 
the love went away is you stopped doing the 
things that created the love in the early days. 
   God doesnt want you living by your 
feelings. He wants you living by faith. So you know 
what he does? Sometimes he lets the feelings go 
away. Then you have to live by faith and love by 
   When you love somebody and do the loving 
thing, even when theyre not responding and even 
maybe when theyre retaliating, you are loving 
by faith. That is an action. [Daily Devotional 
by Rick Warren: 


Revelation 2:4, 5 - The Priority of 



Colossians 2:6, 7 - Living In Christ.



