
2 Timothy 1:7 - Holy Spirit Power, Love and Self-Control.

2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV) For the Spirit God gave 
us does not make us timid, but gives us power, 
love and self-discipline.  

2 Timothy 1:7 (CEV) God's Spirit doesn't 
make cowards out of us. The Spirit gives us 
power, love, and self-control.  

2 Timothy 1:7 (ERV) The Spirit God gave us 
does not make us afraid. His Spirit is a source 
of power and love and self-control. 


   God does not give a spirit of fear, that 
is, timidity or cowardice; rather God provides: 
      	Power -- We do not need to have 
naturally powerful personalities. God gives strength 
of character and confidence that wins us 
respect when we face opposition as we speak, preach, 
and live the truth. God supernaturally replaces 
any timidity on the servant's part with 
      	Love -- Accompanying the power to 
speak the truth must be love for the  
        listeners, believers and 
nonbelievers alike. Love separates Christians  
        from the heathen world around them. 
Jesus promised, "By this all will  
        know that you are My disciples, if 
you have love for one another" (John  
        13:35 NKJV). 
      	Self-discipline -- This can also 
be translated "self-control" or "sound  
        mind." In order to lead others, the 
true minister must have control over  
        himself. To put it another way, a 
good leader must have a cool head.  
        Self-discipline and self-control 
sound like self-effort. But Paul  
        explained them as divinely bestowed 
on his servants, resulting in  
        soundness of mind. 
   All of these qualities (boldness, power, 
love, and self-control) are gifts of the Spirit, 
not just natural tendencies. They function best 
in harmony. Boldness and power are tempered by 
love and self-control. Under the pressures of 
leadership, people tend to gravitate toward a desire for 
power and boldness as the most effective tools for 
success. But used alone, these qualities are 
self-defeating. The inclusion of love and self-control 
clearly indicates that a leader's effectiveness 
comes from God's Spirit. We may be impressed by a 
leader who exhibits boldness and power, but without 
love or self-control, such a leader is little 
more than a bully. 
   The expression a spirit of timidity is 
probably another way of saying "a timid disposition," 
which Timothy probably had by nature. But the Holy 
Spirit has given believers power (Acts 1:8), love 
(Rom 5:5), and self-control (Gal 5:22-23). Thus, 
to have a spirit with these qualities is to 
have a human spirit that has been regenerated by 
the the Holy Spirit. (Life Application 


   A few weeks ago, I was talking to my 
friend Tina about how I have changed over the years 
- and not in the best way. As a young adult, I 
was fearless, tackling new situations with 
gusto. As I've gotten older, I am more afraid. How 
did I shift from being an excited world traveler 
in my college years to a middle-aged mom who 
shoots anxious texts to her college-age children in 
the middle of the night? How did I go from 
believing that Jesus could fling open new and exciting 
doors of possibility in my career to just hoping I 
can land a writing gig that will cover the 
bills? There are moments when I find my hope 
faltering instead of flourishing. I grow anxious about 
family, work, and the world in general. 
   Then I remember who Jesus is. He is the 
Savior and Deliverer (Acts 4:12). The All-Powerful 
One (Hebrews 1:1-4). The Alpha and Omega 
(Revelation 1:8). The Storm Whisperer (Mark 4:37-39). 
The Light Bringer (John 8:12). 
   The fears that crowd my mind don't come 
from Him. They flood in when I forget that His 
power and love are working in my life and in the 
world. Jesus is my peace, no matter how old I am. 
Susanna Foth Aughtmon 
   Faith Step: Write down all the names of 
Jesus on sticky notes and place them around your 
house. When fear starts to move in, call on His 
name. Rest in His love and power. [Mornings With 
Jesus 2024 Devotional by Guideposts and 


Find the Courage to Connect
   When youre full of fear and anxiety, 
you dont get close to other people. Instead, 
you back off. You fear being rejected, 
manipulated, vulnerable, hurt, or used, and these fears 
cause you to disconnect from the people around 
   This fear is as old as humanity. When 
Adam and Eve sinned, God came looking for them. 
Then Adam said, I was afraid  and I hid 
myself (Genesis 3:10 ESV). People have been hiding 
ever since.  
   You may not physically hide, but you hide 
your true self. You dont let people know what 
youre really like. You dont let them see inside 
you. Why? Because you believe that if you show 
people your true self and they dont like it, 
youll be up a creek without a paddle. Instead, you 
pretend to be someone youre not.  
   This fear leads to three things that will 
damage your relationships: 
   Fear makes you defensive. Youre afraid 
to reveal yourself, but people inevitably spot 
some of your weaknesses. And when they point out 
those weaknesses, you defend yourself and 
   Fear keeps you distant. Youre afraid 
to be open and honest - to let people get close 
to you. Instead, you withdraw and pull back so 
you can hide your emotions. You become defensive 
and distant. 
   Fear makes you demanding. The more 
insecure you are, the more you try to control and 
dominate. For you, it might look like always having to 
get in the last word in a conversation. Being 
demanding is always a symptom of fear and insecurity. 
   Clearly, fear only damages your 
relationships. But where do you get the courage to take the 
first step to connect with someone and move toward 
deeper intimacy?  
   You get it from Gods Spirit in your 
life. Paul says in 2 Timothy 1:7, For the Holy 
Spirit, Gods gift, does not want you to be afraid 
of people, but to be wise and strong, and to 
love them and enjoy being with them (TLB).  
   How do you know youre filled with 
Gods Spirit? Youre filled with Gods Spirit 
when youve become more courageous in your 
relationships. Rather than fearing people, youre free to 
love them and enjoy being with them.  
   The Bible says that God is love (1 
John 4:8 TLB) and that perfect love drives out 
all fear (1 John 4:18 GNT). The more of God 
you have in your life, the less fear youre 
going to have in your life.  
   The starting point in connecting with 
anyone is to pause, pray, and say, God, give me 
the courage to take the first step. Are you 
ready to pray that for one of your relationships 
today? [Daily Devotional by Rick Warren: 


   In my family, Im the designated 
door-checker. I can't imagine drifting off to sleep 
without going through my nightly routine, making 
sure the garage door is down, blinds are closed, 
and doors are locked. Maybe that's because as a 
child I was so scared from the combination of the 
dark and my vivid imagination. 
   After the crucifixion, the disciples were 
together "with the doors locked for fear of the 
Jewish leaders" (John 20:19-20, NIV). They had 
heard that Jesus had risen from the dead but did 
not know what to think. Suddenly, Jesus 
appeared, saying, "Peace" and inviting them to see His 
scars. The disciples were overjoyed when they knew 
He was with them. 
   When I allow fear to rule my mind, it 
locks out many things - opportunities to do His 
work, to build relationships, to enjoy daily 
blessings. I have the keys of prayer and the Word to 
unlock my fear and replace it with faith. Best of 
all, I have Jesus, the ultimate locksmith. The 
door the disciples hid behind could not keep Him 
out. And fear can't keep Him out of my life when 
I accept His help. 
   I suppose I'll always have the habit of 
checking my doors before I go to bed. But I also want 
to develop the habit of checking my emotions so 
that fear doesn't lock out the peace and joy that 
Jesus offers me when I fully trust Him. That's one 
door I always want to keep open. Dianne Neal 
   Faith Step: Ask Jesus to reveal and help 
you confront any fear in your life that might 
hinder blessings He wants you to enjoy. [Mornings 
With Jesus 2023 Devotional by Guideposts and 


2 Timothy 1:7 - Holy Spirit Power, Love and 




2 Timothy 1:7 - God's Spirit of Power, Love 
and Self-Control. 


2 Timothy 1:7 - Spirit of Fear or Power, 
Love and Self-Control. 


