
Matthew 6:33 - Make Christ First And Last And Best In Everything!!!

Matthew 6:33 (NLT) Seek the Kingdom of God 
above all else, and live righteously, and he will 
give you everything you need. 


To seek first his kingdom and his 
righteousness means to give him first place in your 
life. It means to turn to God first for help, to 
fill your thoughts with his desires, to take his 
character for your pattern, and to serve and obey him 
in everything. What is really important to you? 
People, objects, goals, and other desires all 
compete for priority. Any of these can quickly bump 
God out of first place if you dont actively 
choose to give him first place in every area of 
your life. [Life Application SB] 


We are to make Him first and last and best 
in everything. We are to engage in no business, 
follow no pursuit, seek no pleasure, that would 
hinder the outworking of His righteousness in our 
character and life. Whatever we do is to be done 
heartily, as unto the Lord If we follow His 
example, His assurance to us is that all things 
needful in this life "shall be added." MB99 

Make Christ first and last and best in 
everything. Constantly behold Him, and your love for Him 
will daily become deeper and stronger as it is 
submitted to the test of trial. AH106 

Whatever our department of labor, be it 
housework or field work or intellectual pursuits, we 
may perform it to the glory of God so long as we 
make Christ first and last and best in 
everything. 5T459 


The Key to a Balanced Life: Jesus
   If you want to live a truly balanced 
life, you can only look at one person in all of 
history as your model: Jesus. When you put him at 
the center of your life, your life will be more 
   Think of your life like a wheel. The 
center of the wheel is a hub. All of the spokes of 
your life (which represent your relationships, 
your family, your career, your goals, and so on) 
come from that hub. We all build our lives around 
some sort of hub. The question is, what will be 
your hub? Will it be your family? Will it be your 
career? Will it be money? 
   Or will it be Jesus?
   How do you know what youre building 
your life around? Take a look at whatever you 
think about the most. Thats what is driving 
   The center of your life is critical to 
developing a balanced life. A solid center leads to a 
solid life. A weak, flimsy center leads to a weak 
life. When people tell me their lives are coming 
unglued, it usually means one thing: They have a 
faulty center. Something other than God has taken 
priority in their lives. 
   Not only does the hub create stability, 
but it also controls and influences everything 
else about your life. Whatever you put at the 
center of your life will also be your source of 
power. The power of a wheel always emanates from 
the center outward - never the other way 
   Make Jesus the hub of your life, and 
hell provide the stability, control, and power 
you need. The Bible says, Seek first Gods 
kingdom and what God wants. Then all your other 
needs will be met as well (Matthew 6:33 NCV). 
   When you choose to put Jesus at the 
center, all the other areas of your life - from your 
family to your career to your goals - will find 
balance in him. He will direct your life, empower 
it, and give it stability. [Daily Devotional by 
Rick Warren: https://pastorrick.com/devotional/] 


I once wrote this resolve:
   Today, I will live today. Yesterday has 
passed. Tomorrow is not yet. I'm  
      left with today. So, today, I will 
live today. 
   Relive yesterday? No. I will learn from 
it. I will seek mercy for it. I  
      will take joy in it. But I won't live 
in it. 
   Worry about the future? To what gain? It 
deserves a glance, nothing more. I  
      can't change tomorrow until tomorrow.
   Today, I will live today. I will face 
today's challenges with today's  
      strength. I will dance today's waltz 
with today's music. I will celebrate  
      today's opportunities with today's 
hope. Today. 
   May I laugh, listen, learn, and love. And 
tomorrow, if it comes, may I do so  
A new day awaits you, my friend. A new 
season in which you will worry less and trust more. 
A season with reduced fear and enhanced faith. 
Can you imagine a life in which you are anxious 
for nothing? God can. And, with his help, you 
will experience it. [You Can Count On God by Max 

Worry is blind, and cannot discern the 
future; but Jesus sees the end from the beginning.  
In every difficulty He has His way prepared to 
bring relief. Our Heavenly Father has a thousand 
ways to provide for us, of which we know nothing. 
 Those who accept the one principle of making 
the service and honor of God supreme, will find 
perplexities vanish, and a plain path before their feet. 

"Prayer does not change God, but it changes 
him who prays." [The Practice of the Presence of 
God: 40 Day Devotional by Brother Lawrence/Alan 


Matthew 6:33 - Make Christ First And Last 
And Best In Everything!!! 


Matthew 6:33 - Put Jesus First and All These 
Things Will Be Added. 


