
Proverbs 5:15-20 - The Sin of Lust.

Proverbs 5:15-20 (NLT) Drink water from your 
own well - share your love only with your wife. 
16 Why spill the water of your springs in the 
streets, having sex with just anyone? 17 You should 
reserve it for yourselves. Never share it with 
strangers. 18 Let your wife be a fountain of blessing 
for you. Rejoice in the wife of your youth. 19 
She is a loving deer, a graceful doe. Let her 
breasts satisfy you always. May you always be 
captivated by her love. 20 Why be captivated, my son, 
by an immoral woman, or fondle the breasts of a 
promiscuous woman?  


Using the imagery of water, the joy of a 
faithful marriage is contrasted with the disaster of 
infidelity (vv. 9:14). "Cistern" and "well" refer to 
the wife from whom the husband is to draw all 
his satisfying refreshment, sexually and 
affectionately (v. 9:17-18; Song 4:9-11). [MacArthur Daily 
Bible 2003] 


In contrast to much of what we read, see, 
and hear today, this passage urges couples to 
look to each other for lifelong satisfaction and 
companionship. Many temptations entice husbands and wives 
to leave when marriage becomes dull in order to 
find excitement and pleasures elsewhere. But God 
designed marriage and sanctified it, and only within 
this covenant relationship can we find real love 
and fulfillment. Don't let God's best for you be 
wasted on the illusion of greener pastures 
somewhere else. Instead, rejoice with your spouse as 
you give yourselves to God and to each other. 
[Life Application SB] 


Sin of Lust as a Strangeness; vs 15-17
   The Hebrew word for the "adulterous" 
woman (5:3) literally means the strange woman. 
Married sex is likened to the refreshment and joy of 
well water; but why have sex with strangers? This 
is not saying you should have sex only with 
someone you know. Rather, it is a claim that sex 
outside of marriage is alien to your true nature. 
Imagine going by rocket to Venus. If you got out and 
inhaled the atmosphere, you would die. Why? Because 
the clouds of sulfuric acid are alien to the 
nature of your lungs. 
   "In the end, humans can no more live 
outside God's moral order than can the  fish  
live outside God's biotic order. Outside the 
ordinances of God we find not life but, ultimately, 
death." When God says, "You must give yourself 
sexually only to someone to whom you've given 
yourself wholly, legally, and permanently in 
marriage," he is saying, "This fits who you are, who I 
made you to be." Sin leads to alienation from 
your own nature and God's created order, and that 
leads to destruction. 
   Why is the Christian sex ethic criticized 
today? Can you give answers to those objections, or 
do you believe some of them yourself? 
   Lord, when the church was new, its sex 
ethic was considered crazy, narrow, and offensive. 
Two thousand years later we are in the same 
place. Help me to be as faithful and confident in 
what your Word says about sex as that great cloud 
of witnesses. Help me to understand, defend, 
and practice it. Amen. [Gods Wisdom for 
Navigating Life by Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller] 

Sin of Lust as a Commodity; vs 18-19
   In a time when marriage was most often 
contracted to secure social standing, we are told that 
being intoxicated with  love should be the mark 
of a marital relationship. Spouses are to give 
themselves to each other in joyful abandon. When people 
have sex outside marriage, maintaining their 
independence and right to walk away at any time, it turns 
sex into just a dispensed commodity, with both 
persons remaining detached and in control. Instead, 
sexual union should always and only take place 
between a husband and a wife who share every other 
kind of union - legal, social, financial, 
personal - in marriage. Then sex becomes both a sign 
of the union and a way to deepen it. When two 
people are committed to be with each other - 
through plenty and want, joy and sorrow, sickness 
and health, repentance and forgiveness - sexual 
intimacy becomes richer and richer. All your spouse 
has done for you and means to you can somehow 
pass into your lovemaking, and the two truly 
become one. 
   In what ways does sex outside marriage 
differ from sex within it? 
   Lord, you were willing to die for me. And 
no one can have your love shed abroad in their 
hearts unless they give their whole lives to you. 
So protect your people from the tragic mistake 
of thinking sex outside a marriage covenant is 
somehow, sometimes all right in your eyes. It isn't. 
Amen. [Gods Wisdom for Navigating Life by 
Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller] 

Sin of Lust as a Counterfeit Intimacy; vs 
   Marital joy includes sexual pleasure 
(5:18-19) but much more. In the Bible no one is called 
your blessing (verse 18) unless they have the 
power to produce well-being in you and are deeply 
connected to you in faith and social bond. Marriage 
brings growth that is impossible outside of the 
security of the bonded union. Because you cannot just 
walk away when things get difficult, it brings 
increased self-knowledge, emotional and spiritual 
growth, deep mutual affirmation and support, and the 
distinct joy you can have only in the presence of 
someone with whom you have been through thick and 
   Sex outside marriage is "to exchange true 
intimacy for its parody." A parody is a cartoonish 
imitation. When you have given yourself wholly to 
another in marriage, and the other person has also 
made a solemn commitment that would be hard to 
break, there is a new level of trust and thus 
freedom from fear, and so you can, literally, lose 
yourself in their love (verse 19). If you have not 
done so, you may only lose yourself. 
   In what ways does the trust that a solemn 
vow and a legal bond bring enhance love and 
spiritual growth? 
   Lord, I see that true intimacy between 
human beings depends not on fleeting "chemistry," 
sexual or otherwise, but on long-term commitment 
and faithfulness to helping the other person be 
all they should be before you. Let all my 
relationships - and not just marriage - reflect this 
insight from you. Amen. [Gods Wisdom for 
Navigating Life by Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller] 

