
Psalm 119:165 - A Formula For Peace.

Psalm 119:165 (NIV) Great peace have they 
who love your law, and nothing can make them 


Modern society longs for peace of mind. Here 
is clear-cut instruction on how to attain this: 
if we love God and obey his laws, we will have 
"great peace." [Life Application SB] 


The only power that can create or perpetuate 
true peace is the grace of Christ. When this is 
implanted in the heart, it will cast out the evil 
passions that cause strife and dissension. DA302 


Love the Speed Limit
   In 1896, Walter Arnold received the first 
speeding fine in the United Kingdom. He was driving 
eight miles per hour, which was four times the 
legal limit! He also was not accompanied by a 
flagger, who should have walked ahead of his vehicle 
to warn on-comers. A constable chased Mr. 
Arnold by bicycle for five miles. Though he was 
fined one shilling, Mr. Arnold benefited from the 
case's publicity - he was a car salesman, selling 
vehicles known as "Arnold Motor carriages?" 
   Unlike Mr. Arnold, most people have good 
reasons to keep the law. Some don't like the 
consequences of breaking it. Others prefer keeping up 
their good reputation. Some see the logic behind 
the law and keep it out of self-interest. But 
how many people obey because they love the law? 
   Yet this is exactly how God describes His 
people! His people understand His character as the 
Lawgiver. They treasure what His law protects. God's 
law has become part of who they are - because of 
that, "nothing causes them to stumble? They aren't 
tempted to break the law, because they love it. 
Could anything tempt a preschooler's mother to 
speed through her child's school crosswalks? No! 
She wants her child to be safe. Then there's the 
father who posts a sign in his yard: "Slow Down: 
Children at Play?" He won't speed through his own 
neighborhood; he loves the law and wants everyone to 
follow it. When God's people love His law, sin 
loses its appeal. 
   When you love God's law, He gives you a 
special promise: "great peace." You won't be 
burdened by a guilty conscience. You won't be 
striving toward an unattainable goal. Instead, you'll 
be at peace, living out the love in your heart. 
This is what God wants for all His children. 
   Heavenly Father, increase my love for 
Your law! I want Your great peace to flood 
through my life. [The Most Amazing Bible Promises by 
Amazing Facts] 


Psalm 119:165 - A Formula For Peace.


Psalm 119:165 - Love And Obedience To God's 
Law And Ways Brings Peace And Security. 


Jeremiah 31:33-34 - The New Covenant: God's 
Law In Our Mind and Heart. 


Ezekiel 36:27 - I Will Give You A New Heart 
And Put A New Spirit In You. 


Romans 8:5-6 - Spirit Living.


