
Proverbs 20:24 - Paradox of God's Sovereignty and Human Free Will.

Proverbs 20:24 (NKJV) A man's steps are of 
the LORD; How then can a man understand his own 

Proverbs 20:24 (NIV) A person's steps are 
directed by the LORD. How then can anyone understand 
their own way?  


We are often confused by the events around 
us. Some things we will never understand until 
years later when we look back and see how God was 
working. This proverb counsels us to not worry if we 
dont understand everything as it happens. 
Instead, we should trust that God knows what hes 
doing, even if his timing or design is not clear to 
us. See Psalm 37:23 for a reassuring promise of 
Gods direction in your life. [Life Application 


   So much of our lives remain a mystery to 
us. Our futures unfold as we take each step. We 
may know the direction we are heading, but we 
don't know the twists and turns that will occur 
along the way. We cannot foresee every challenge 
that will meet us nor the unexpected joys we will 
   With that in mind, it is a comfort to 
know the Lord sees the end from the beginning and 
every space in-between. He already knows what lies 
ahead of us, and we can trust him to guide us 
along every hill and through every valley. The God 
who knows how many hairs are on each of our 
heads will not forget about us. May we humble 
ourselves in sweet surrender, trusting that the Lord 
who created us will lead us with love! 
   Surrender your worries about the future 
to the Lord and ask him for vision and help for 
today. [365 Days of Courage by Sara Perry of 
Broadstreet Pub] 


This verse emphasizes the mystery of divine 
sovereignty (see Ps. 37:23; Jer. 10:23). A person makes 
his own decisions and is responsible for them, 
but paradoxically God directs the steps of each. 
This paradox demonstrates the limitations of 
human discernment. [ESV SB 2008]  

Since a man cannot comprehend the unfolding 
purposes of Gods providence in his life, he has to 
walk in faith. [MacArthur SB] 

Gods role in guiding our steps is clear 
(see 16:1, 9, 33). We do not need to understand 
why things happen, but we should not lose hope, 
for God is in control. [NLT SB 2008]  

Step by Step
   God is in control of all circumstances 
that surround my life. Sometimes we may feel we 
understand these circumstances, but at other times we 
don't have a clue why certain things happen as 
they do, and we are mystified. We make our plans. 
But God always will have His way. 
   There's nothing wrong with making a plan 
for tomorrow or for next month or next year. But 
we must always plan with this proviso: the Lord 
may change our plans and take us in a completely 
different direction. It is His prerogative to do so; 
He, not you, is in control of your life. 
   Jeremiah 10:23 says, "O LORD, I know the 
way of man is not in himself; it is not in man 
who walks to direct his own steps." And in the 
book of Proverbs, the writer asks the question: 
"The LORD directs our steps, so why try to 
understand everything along the way?" (Proverbs 20:24, 
   We sometimes call this guiding of our 
steps "divine providence." Does that mean, then, 
that bad things never will happen to good and 
even godly people? No. But it does mean that even 
when bad things happen, God can bring good out of 
bad, as Romans 8:28 assures us. 
   All of God's good promises, however, 
won't be fully realized until we get to heaven. 
There are some things we can look at in life and 
say, "That was a really terrible experience, but 
now as I look back in retrospect, I can see the 
good that has come from it." But then there are 
other things we will experience in life that we 
never will see good come out of - or at least 
"good" as we understand it. It won't be until we 
get to the other side and see the Lord 
face-to-face that we will understand these things. 
   Even so, we entrust our lives to His good 
hands and His great wisdom and praise Him for 
directing us step by step. [Every Day with Jesus by 
Greg Laurie] 


   Several years ago, I attended a writers 
conference with a book proposal in hand. I showed it to 
three editors. One invited me to email it to her. 
I did but never received a response. Two 
shared it with their publishing committees, who 
said, "No, thank you." 
   I felt disappointed. The book's concept 
had lived in my head for months. Had I not 
developed it in obedience to the Holy Spirit's 
prompting? Or had I just concocted it myself? Perhaps 
my book-writing days were over. I filed the 
proposal and went on with my life. Every so often the 
title came to mind, and I sensed the need to 
change it. I toyed with various ideas, but nothing 
grabbed me. 
   Nearly two years later, a friend told me 
about caring for a woman battling the last stages 
of cancer. As she spoke, a title randomly 
popped into my mind: Finding Hope in Crisis. This 
one gripped me. I went home, updated the 
proposal with renewed enthusiasm, and added the new 
title. COVID-19 struck immediately afterward. 
   My literary agent submitted the proposal 
to several publishers. Several weeks later, an 
editor expressed interest. She'd acquired a similar 
project several months prior, but it had fallen 
through. Now she needed a substitute. She said she 
wanted to fast-track it and asked how quickly I 
could submit the complete manuscript. The 
committee approved the proposal the next day, and I 
signed a contract a week later. 
   Now I understood why Jesus allowed the 
earlier disappointment. He knew when people would be 
most desperate for hope, and He directed my steps 
accordingly. Grace Fox 
   Faith Step: Draw a question mark. Write 
today's verse below it. [Mornings With Jesus 2022 
Devotional by Guideposts and Zondervan] 


Psalm 37:23, 24 - Walking With The Lord.


Proverbs 16:1 (NCV)  People may make plans 
in their minds, but only the LORD can make them 
come true. 
Devotional pending.

Proverbs 16:9 - Divine Detours.


Proverbs 19:21 - Make Plans According to 
Gods Will for His Purpose Will Prevail. 


Jeremiah 10:23 - The Paradox of God's 
Sovereignty and Human Free Will. 


