
Psalm 119:68 - Paradise Restored.

Psalm 119:68 (NKJV) You are good, and do 
good; Teach me Your statutes.  


   The false doctrine of eternal conscious 
torment prevails widely in Christianity today. Many 
have rejected God because they've been told He 
tortures people throughout the ceaseless ages of 
eternity. This slander against the character of God 
from Satan is effective because it obscures one 
of the most vital characteristics of God: His 
   From the beginning, God designed the 
world to furnish man with the highest quality of 
life, and this eternally. The world was full of 
breathtaking scenery for the eye, delicious fruit for the 
tasting, and the songs of birds for music. It was 
truly a paradise until the day that sin crept into 
the picture, bringing death with it (Romans 
   Satan has plunged this world into 
darkness and seeks to cast the blame on God. He is 
responsible for every wicked work. Yet, before he could 
begin this evil work, the Son of God had already 
pledged that, should humans fall into sin, He would 
give His own life to save them and restore the 
paradise that would be lost. 
   "God demonstrates His own love toward us, 
in that while we were still sinners, Christ 
died for us" (Romans 5:8). Every heartbeat, every 
meal, and every other need or want supplied are 
the generous provisions of God for us sinful 
human beings. God wants to fulfill all the desires 
of our hearts and give us abundant, joyful 
lives. God has Paradise in store, and He desires 
each of us to be there. 
   When life gets you down, when the enemy 
seeks to cast a dark cloud above you, remember 
today's promise that your Creator is good. Above 
those dark clouds are the glorious rays of God's 
goodness. He is your Savior, and you can trust that He 
has only your best interest in mind. 
   God, help me to see Your true character 
and to know Your goodness in my own experience. 
[The Most Amazing Bible Promises by Amazing 


Psalm 100:5 (NKJV) For the LORD is good; His 
mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all 
Devotional pending.

James 1:17 - Every Good and Perfect Gift 
Comes From God. 


Matthew 7:7-11 - In Prayer We Ask, Seek and 
Knock To Receive, Find and Open. 


