
Proverbs 16:7 - FINDING PEACE.

Proverbs 16:7 (NKJV) When a man's ways 
please the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at 
peace with him.  


Where Is Peace?
   I know men who would write a check for a 
million dollars if they could find peace. Millions 
are searching for it. But, as we look around, we 
find that there is little personal, domestic, 
social, economic, or political peace anywhere. Why? 
Because we all have the seeds of destruction within 
   Peace can be experienced only when we 
have received divine pardon - when we have been 
reconciled to God and when we have harmony within, with 
our fellow man, and especially with God. Through 
the blood of the cross, Christ has made peace 
with God for us and is Himself our peace. If by 
faith we accept Him, we are justified by God and 
can realize the inner serenity that can come to 
man through no other means. When Christ enters 
our hearts, we are freed of that haunting sense 
of sin. Cleansed of all feeling of 
contamination and unfitness, we can lift up our heads 
secure in the knowledge that we can look with 
confidence into the face of our fellow men. 
   Have you ever searched for peace in the 
wrong place? [Peace for Each Day by Billy Graham] 


   We want other people to like us, and 
sometimes we will do almost anything to win their 
approval. But God tells us to put our energy into 
pleasing him instead. Our effort to be peacemakers 
will usually make us more attractive to those 
around us, even our enemies. But even if it 
doesn't, we haven't lost anything. We are still 
pleasing God, the only one who truly matters. [Life 
Application SB] 

   The grace of God is ready to empower you 
to turn enemies into friends. How is this 
possible? When you walk in the light of God's love, 
choosing integrity, mercy, kindness, and justice in 
your decisions and interactions, even those who 
do not agree with you will have nothing they 
can truly fault you for. Don't get caught up in 
people pleasing, but set your heart on what honors 
God, and do those things. 
   Instead of seeking to appease others, 
focus on pleasing God. Get to know him more, 
reading his Word and fellowshipping with his Spirit. 
Spend time in his presence, consider his nature, 
and align your heart with his values. Allow his 
wisdom to guide you, even when it feels as if it 
goes against your logic. His understanding is 
faultless, and he will not lead you astray. 
   Be true to who God has called you to be, 
and be kind to others even when they are unkind 
toward you. [365 Days of Courage by Sara Perry of 
Broadstreet Pub] 


John 14:27 - Peace Like No Other.


Isaiah 26:3 - Peace That Surpasses All 


Galatians 5:22, 23 - The Fruit of the Spirit.


Matthew 5:9 - Blessed Are the Peacemakers.


