
Romans 8:32 - Will Not God Give Us All Things That Are For Our Good.

Romans 8:32 (NKJV) He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?


Do you ever think that because you aren't good enough for God, he will not save you? Do you ever feel as if salvation is for everyone else but you? Then these verses are especially for you. If God gave his Son for you, he isn't going to hold back the gift of salvation! If Christ gave his life for you, he isn't going to turn around and condemn you! He will not withhold anything you need to live for him. The book of Romans is more than a theological explanation of God's redeeming grace - it is a letter of comfort and confidence addressed to you. [Life Application SB]


All Things
   Cynthia Page will never forget that night in a Manhattan train station. Some fifty years ago, she missed her train, stepped into a phone booth to call her husband, and, turning to leave, found herself surrounded by a group of sinister men. Suddenly, a booming voice broke through. A big, well-suited gentleman split through the circle of predators, opened the booth, grabbed Cynthia's arm, and complained they would be late for the train if they didn't hurry. The predators backed away as Cynthia was escorted to the boarding platform, where she safely got on the next train. She never knew the gentleman's name. He simply disappeared into the crowd.
   It's not a stretch to picture Satan and his evil minions surrounding you, ready to cause you untold harm. But the story has a different twist. A Man steps forward to protect you but, in the process, willingly loses His life to set you free. God wants to give you more than temporary protection. In another version of the Bible, this promise says, "If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn't gladly and freely do for us?" (Romans 8:32 MSG).
   Don't skip over the last part. The Lord wants to "freely give us all things" But how can that be? And how can you really believe that God's love is that great? Your faith can be bolstered when you see how willingly, voluntarily, freely, and without a grudge, Jesus died for you.
   Some promises are too big to absorb in one reading. Meditate on today's Bible verse. Let it sink deeply into your heart and change you.
   Jesus, may the self-sacrificing love You extend to me dramatically touch my heart. [The Most Amazing Bible Promises by Amazing Facts]


God Is for Us
   Throughout life, there will be times when our sins and failures lead us to conclude that God is disappointed or angry with us. How can He still love me after what I've done? If I'm really forgiven, why do I still feel so guilty? At such times, we need to fix our eyes on the truth of Scripture and ask the questions Paul posed in Romans 8.
   If God is for us, who is against us (v. 31)? Our heavenly Father proved His loyalty to us when He delivered His own Son over to death in order to save us. Without Christ's atoning death on our behalf, we would face eternal separation from God.
   Who will bring a charge against God's elect (v. 33)? No accusation against us can stand, since at the moment of salvation, the Lord justified us. This means we were legally declared righteous, while still in our sinning condition. No one can reverse this transaction and make us guilty again. To doubt our blameless standing in Christ is to declare His atonement insufficient to cover our sin.
   Who is the one who condemns (v. 34)? Although Satan rails against us, Jesus' death and resurrection are proof that we are right with God. Christ took our condemnation and gave us His righteousness in return. Now He sits at the Father's right hand, interceding for us.
   When doubts about the Lord's love and faithfulness arise, focus on truth. If we judge His loyalty to us by our circumstances or feelings, we will never get an accurate view of God. True security lies not in our good performance, but in our relationship with Christ, and no one can take that from us. [In Touch Daily Devotional by Charles Stanley at www.intouch.org]


   I'd been browsing the Zillow site for a couple of years as my husband and I planned our move back to our home state. Then suddenly my search results dropped from the usual twenty properties to three or four. It didn't help much when I reset the filters to include older homes and smaller lots. Clearly, this was a terrible time to buy a house. A seller's market with a shortage of homes - most of which were overpriced. A Realtor told me that many houses sold even before being listed.
   I became obsessed with searching online. Then I found an old tote bag in my closet that soothed my anxiety. Sounds crazy, but I can explain. Years ago, I bought a leather tote that was absolutely perfect for work use. I didn't exactly pray, but I wished I could find the item in brown. Since it was discontinued, I doubted there was any chance. But three months later at a new outlet mall, I found the brown version. It wasn't perfect; it had a black mark along one edge. Marked and saved for me, I thought.
   Jesus gave His life to pay for our sins. He is the proof that all our needs will be met in this earthly life and in the one to come. But beyond that, He delights in giving gifts and extra blessings. How can I doubt that He has already marked out a house for us? Dianne Neal Matthews
   Faith Step: Make a list of all the blessings Jesus has given you that go beyond the basic necessities. Thank Him for being a gracious giver. [Mornings With Jesus 2024 Devotional by Guideposts and Zondervan]

   My husband, Ken, loves to present me with spur-of-the-moment surprises. He calls them omiages, a Japanese word meaning "a little gift you are not required to give, as for a special occasion." That's the way our heavenly Father is with us. He's not obligated to shower us with His gifts. He owes this rebellious planet nothing - and that's why His gifts are all the more special. Today's Scripture reads, "He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all - how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?"
   Thank God for His omiages the next time you're blessed by the sound of rain pattering on your window. Or a ray of sunshine on your kitchen floor. The smell of pine on a cold December day. The cooing of doves in the late afternoon. God gives gifts simply because He wants to. And they are generous gifts. Not little omiages, but big ones. What gift has God given you today? Praise Him for His blessings, great and small.
   Dear God, You are the Father of Lights. Every good gift comes from You (Jam. 1:17). Thank You for Your kindness and generosity to me. shown in ten thousand ways every day. Today, I will count my blessings and be mindful to turn to You often and say, "Thank You!" [A Spectacle of Glory by Joni Eareckson Tada and Larry Libby]


Our Confidence
   No matter what life throws our way, God promises that nothing can ever separate us from his great love. Not hardship or storm. Not war or famine. The God who created the universe with his words, speaks life to us right where we are at.
   May we find our great confidence, not in our comfort or the peace of this world, but in Christ himself. May we look to him no matter what is happening around us. There is perfect peace in his presence. There is abundant affection in his heart. There is jubilant joy in his victory. There is more than enough to sustain us and revive us in hope in his generous grace and mercy!
   Memorize this verse and recite it whenever you need a boost of courage today! [365 Days of Courage by Sara Perry of Broadstreet Pub]


Romans 8:32 - Will Not God Give Us All Things That Are For Our Good.

Romans 8:31 - Fear Not for God Is for You!

Philippians 4:19 - All Our Needs Fulfilled In Christ.

Matthew 21:22 - Prayer Power.

John 15:7 - The Key to Answered Prayer.

John 16:23b - Praying In Jesus Name.

