
Acts 16:31 - The Way of Salvation.

Acts 16:31 (NKJV) So they said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household."

Acts 16:31 (AMP) And they answered, Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ [give yourself up to Him, take yourself out of your own keeping and entrust yourself into His keeping] and you will be saved, [and this applies both to] you and your household as well.

Acts 16:31 (CWR) They said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved and so will those in your household who believe.


Believe in the Lord Jesus. A concise statement of the way of salvation. [NIV SB]

What does it mean to "believe in Jesus"?
   "Believing" occupies a central place in John's Gospel. John does not use the noun "faith" that appears frequently elsewhere in the New Testament. John prefers the verb "believe" to underscore that faith is not static, like a doctrine or a dogma, but dynamic, requiring action. Believing in Jesus is what all true disciples do.
   In the Gospel of John, the verb translated "believe" is often followed by the Greek word meaning "into." No parallel exists for this in ancient Greek usage. For John, faith is not a status but an investment in the person of Jesus. Believing means accepting who Jesus is and what he claims to be. Believing constitutes a commitment to let his call on our lives change the way we live. Believing is the work God wants from us as we abide in Jesus' word, as we love him, and as we obey his commands. [One Year NLT SB re Joh. 20:31]


Paul and Silas took the family unit seriously. So the offer of salvation was made to the jailer's entire household - family and servants. Yet it was not the jailer's faith that saved them; they all needed to come to Jesus in faith and believe in him in the same way the jailer had. Yet his entire family did believe and all were saved. Pray that God will use you to introduce Jesus to your family and that they will come to believe in him. [Life Application SB]


Moving Heaven and Earth
   The dust was still settling when the Philippian jailer "drew his sword to kill himself" (Acts 16:27). An earthquake had shaken him awake, opening every door and loosening every chain (v. 26). He feared that all his prisoners, including Paul and Silas, had escaped. For a Roman soldier facing execution, suicide was more honorable. But God was about to save this man from himself.
   "Do yourself no harm, for we are all here," cried Paul (v. 28). This was the same prisoner who sang hymns with his friend while others listened. For casting out an unclean spirit from a woman being used by evil men, he and Silas were dragged to the authorities and locked up. Now God was using this injustice to bring glory to His name and salvation to those present.
   The jailer fell to his knees before Paul and Silas. "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" was his only plea (v. 30). The answer? "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ" (v. 31). With that, the jailer's whole house received the word of God with gladness and were baptized.
   Paul and Silas were not the only ones set free that day. The miraculous protection of the jailer and his prisoners from the earthquake, and the fact that no prisoner escaped, made an impact on the jailer's heart. The whole experience brought salvation to his entire family.
   Have you witnessed others being shaken for their faith and it inspired you? Like the Philippian jailer, God wants to shake you into His kingdom. He sees you and is pursuing you. Believe in Jesus and receive His promise of salvation. Then become a witness for Christ, especially if you are treated unjustly.
   Almighty God, deliver me from my transgressions so that I might be a steward of Your grace. [The Most Amazing Bible Promises by Amazing Facts]


Just as there came a time in your life when you accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, there comes a time when you must recognize Jesus Christ as Lord!  The realization that Jesus is Lord over all should cause each of us to switch - from being man-pleasers, to being God-pleasers!  This requires that we no longer learn what others would have us do or be, but rather what God commands. It should become top priority for those who acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ, to study God's Word in order to please Him through obedience.  Who are you trying to please?  Jesus Christ is Lord, not just Savior.  You can't have one without the other, they are inseparable. [In His Time; Walk With Wisdom re Act.5:29]


Acts 16:31 - The Way of Salvation.

