
Isaiah 58:11 - God Will Guide You Continually.

Isaiah 58:11 (NLT) The LORD Will Guide You Continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.


We cannot be saved by deeds of service without faith in Christ, but our faith lacks sincerity if it doesn't reach out to others. Fasting can be beneficial spiritually and physically, but at its best fasting helps only the person doing it. God says he wants our service to go beyond our own personal growth to acts of kindness, charity, justice, and generosity. True fasting is more than what we don't eat; it is pleasing God by applying his Word to our society.  [Life Application SB]

With joyful hearts they should dedicate to the Creator the first fruits of their bounties--their choicest possessions, their best and holiest service. Thus they will gain rich blessings. God Himself will make their souls like a watered garden whose waters fail not. And when the last great harvest is gathered in, the sheaves that they are enabled to bring to the Master will be the recompense of their unselfish use of the talents lent them. AA340


Eternal Waters
   A spring is a naturally occurring source of freshwater that comes to the surface from underground sources. The word "spring" derives from the German word springer, which means to jump. Because the source of spring water may vary - from rain or melting snow - a spring may flow all year or only part of the year. Big Spring in Missouri is one of the largest springs in the United States, boasting an average flow of 3,424 gallons per second.
   Water is necessary for life, and in arid regions, like Palestine, springs were essential to both travel and settling. Nothing could be more serious than a lack of water. That's why it symbolized God's blessing. "And in that day it shall be that living waters shall flow from Jerusalem" (Zechariah 14:8). Jesus Used A Spring To Describe The Eternal Life Promised To Believers. To The Samaritan Woman At Jacob's Well, Christ Said, "Whoever Drinks Of The Water That I Shall Give Him Will Never Thirst. But The Water That I Shall Give Him Will Become In Him A Fountain Of Water Springing Up Into Everlasting Life" (John 4:14).
   Today's Bible promise of spiritual water is conditional. Isaiah explains how Israel had pretended to fast and repent for their own selfish purposes. But to those who genuinely turned from sin, the Lord would make them "like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail" (58:11).
   If you long to be guided to spiritual waters that alone can refresh your soul, turn away from the polluted waters of the world and turn to Jesus. The water of life He offers will never run dry.
   Dear God, I turn from the bitter waters of this world and seek only the pure waters of truth that come from You. [The Most Amazing Bible Promises by Amazing Facts]


Nearer Than You Think
   You will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help. and he will say: Here am I. Isaiah 58:9
   I had granddaddy duty the other night with my two-and-a-half-year-old sweetheart, Rosie. Oh, the time we had. She dressed up in a wedding gown. We danced to Disney music. And to top it off we walked to the gate in the dark.
   For Rosie that ten-minute journey was a Lewis and Clark-level adventure. As we began the trek, she held up her hand and said, "Stay there, Papa Max. I go by myself."
   I lingered back just far enough to let her think she was on her own. After a few steps she stopped. But I was close enough to hear her say, "Papa Max!"
   I was at her side in two seconds. She looked up at me and smiled. "Come with me?" We walked the rest of the way hand-in-hand.
   We preachers tend to overcomplicate God's love. Perhaps the best illustration is something like Rosie walking in the dark, crying out for help, and her Papa hurrying to oblige.
   Your Father is nearer than you might think. And he's not about to let you walk this path without his help. [You Can Count On God by Max Lucado]

   Most people spend their lives on a relentless search for fulfillment. Many people never find it. There's a wide range of reasons for that, like being self-centered, pursuing empty dreams, developing unworthy attachments, and neglecting or rejecting God's will. The bottom line beneath all dissatisfaction is investing our hearts in something that doesn't matter as much as we thought it did - or in other words, in something less than God. He uses people, places, possessions, and positions to satisfy us, but He never places them above Himself as our ultimate fulfillment. When we are empty and unfulfilled, its because our hearts have been misdirected.
   Here in Isaiah, this misdirection - this seeking after fulfillment in ways we weren't designed for - has caused God's people to neglect others and serve themselves. God would love to satisfy them, but they haven't positioned themselves for it. They have turned their attention away from Him and His ways, pursuing instead their own plans. They have given in to the temptation every human being faces.
   Gods promise to guide us always, satisfy our needs, strengthen us, and make us like a well-watered garden and an unceasing spring is a description of the shalom we all crave. It's the peace and fullness of His Kingdom, but it's offered only to those who accept the Kingdom culture as their own. Its the fulfillment we've all sought - often futilely - and it's an open invitation to His people. This search does not end in disappointment, no matter how many other disappointments we've suffered. It's a promise to every heart that hopes in Him. [The One Year Heaven On Earth Devotional by Chris Tiegreen]

Bending Over Backward
   They ask me for just decisions and seem eager for God to come near them. 'Why have we fasted,' they say,' and you have not seen it? Why have we humbled ourselves, and you have not noticed?' Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter - when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? Isaiah 58:3, 6-7
   God's heart intent is to alleviate suffering and he is bending over backward to do it. He is moving heaven and earth to dry the tear, lighten the load, ease the burden, mend the marriage, give to the poor, care for the widow, stamp out crime, help the elderly, uphold justice, bandage the battered, and much more. God rallies us to his noble cause, but we often fall behind.
   God longs to push back the pain through those who serve as his body, his hands and feet on earth. "He is the head of the body, the church" (Colossians 1:8). And "From him the whole body... builds itself up in love, as each part does its work" (Ephesians 4:15-16).
   God has placed his work in your hands and "We take our lead from Christ, who is the source of everything we do" (Ephesians 4:15 from The Message). God's directions to us couldn't be clearer. But we hem and haw. This is ironic since so many of us fault him for allowing suffering to be the world's status quo. (The quo wouldn't be so status if we got off our duffs and followed his lead). Let's change that today!
   Lord Christ, you are my head and I take directions from you today - show me how I can partner with you to alleviate suffering in my world. [Joni Eareckson Tada Daily Devotional: http://www.joniandfriends.org/daily-devotional]


Answering Isaiah
   Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: ... Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter - when you see the naked, to clothe him... Isaiah 58:6-7
   Diana is a "working" homeless person. She puts in hours at a local fast-food restaurant and showers every couple of days at a nearby Methodist church. Sometimes with her earnings, Diana is able to get a good night's sleep at a Motel 6. She is 62 years old and starts each day with a "Good morning, God!" then tends to her cat, Shadow. She has found a safe sleeping place near a hardware store in the San Fernando Valley. She lost her home years ago, but is hoping to find a permanent place to live.
   Cathy, who works at our office, met Diana several months ago when she stopped by the fast-food restaurant. She was impressed with the woman's upbeat attitude. When she learned Diana was homeless, Cathy and her husband decided to help - they have since found her a room to rent. It's one modern day example of how Christians are not only responding to God's plea in Isaiah 58, but are salting their communities with the preserving influence of the Gospel. After all, people like Diana hold a special place in God's heart (Matthew 25:35).
   People like Cathy have a special place in God's heart, too. As they help someone like Diana, Isaiah 58:9-11 assures that "... the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. If you do away with the yoke of oppression... and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. The Lord will guide you always..."
   Father God, today I will encounter all sorts of people in my community. Open my eyes to their needs and show me how to make a difference. [Joni Eareckson Tada Daily Devotional: http://www.joniandfriends.org/daily-devotional]

Light In The Darkness
   "If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday" Isaiah 58:10.
   Seeing a hippopotamus at a zoo can be fun. Seeing one in the wild is dangerous. Hippos kill more humans every year in Africa than any other large animal. Male hippos aggressively defend their territory in rivers. Mother hippos can become violent if they sense their babies are in danger. Despite their huge size - males grow over twelve feet long and five feet tall and weigh more than 5,000 pounds - hippos can run over 20 miles per hour.
   Mary Slessor was only five feet tall and weighed around 100 pounds when she went to Africa in 1874. After growing up in Scotland with an alcoholic and abusive father, at age twenty-eight Mary followed her dream of becoming a missionary. When she arrived in Nigeria, her blue eyes and fiery red hair stood out. She cut her hair, walked around barefoot, and wore African dresses to fit in. Mary was fearless, caring, and brave. Soon she became known as "White Ma." Babies began appearing on her doorstep. Sometimes they were children their families couldn't care for. Other times they were twins, who were believed by superstitious villagers to have an evil spirit. Often twins were killed. Mary saved some. Once as she returned with twins from a village on the river, a hippopotamus charged her boat. Mary pounded the large animal on the head with a cooking kettle. When the hippo lunged again with its mouth open, Mary slammed the kettle into its jaws. Crunch! The hippo turned and swam away.
   Mary Slessor lived an amazing life serving God in Africa. God may never call you to go to Africa, but you are called to serve. Isaiah 58:10 tells us that serving others makes us like bright lights in a dark world. Part of what made Jesus' ministry on earth so unique is that he served the oppressed. He ate with sinners. He healed untouchable lepers. His light shone brightly in the darkness. Yours can too.
   You can make a big difference for God right where you are. Look around for opportunities to help the hungry or oppressed. You could be a huge help by befriending a lonely kid at school. By "spending" yourself serving others, you will be a light for God. [Case For Christ For Kids by Les Strobel]


As You Care for Others, Trust God's Care for You
   Looking out for the needs of others will always require a cost, some sacrifice of time, money, energy, reputation, or privacy. Jesus sacrificed for you, and you become more like Jesus when you sacrifice for others.
   In Luke, Jesus told a parable about the Good Samaritan, who found a man beaten and abandoned by the side of the road. The Samaritan "took [the man] to an inn, where he took care of him. The next day he handed the innkeeper two silver coins, telling him, 'Take care of this man. If his bill runs higher than this, I'll pay you the next time I'm here'" (Luke 10:34-35 NLT).
   He did this for a total stranger. He started by administering first aid at the scene of the crime. Then he put the man on his donkey - which, by the way, means the Good Samaritan walked. He checked the man into a motel, cared for him through the night, paid the bill in the morning, and pledged to cover any additional costs.
   What did he gain from it? Nothing. He didn't even know the guy! The Good Samaritan stepped in to help without any concern for the sacrifice it might require. His focus was on the injured man's needs - just as Jesus is focused on your needs.
   This is the way God planned it: You assume responsibility for the needs of hurting people around you while trusting God to meet your needs. [Daily Devotional by Rick Warren: https://pastorrick.com/devotional/]


If a man is not made for God, why is he happy only in God? If man is made for God, why is he opposed to God? Blaise Pascal


Isaiah 58:11 - God Will Guide You Continually.

Isaiah 40:29 - God Is All-Powerful With Strength For Those Who Rely On Him.

Isaiah 40:31 - Are You Soaring or Striving?

Ephesians 5:26 - Oh, the Cleansing Power of God's Word.

