
Psalm 119:9 - The Path Of Purity.

Psalm 119:9 (NIV) How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.

Psalm 119:9 (NLT) How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word.


We are drowning in a sea of sexual images and sinful attractions. Everywhere we look we find temptation to fill our minds with thoughts of sexual relationships that God wouldn't approve. The writer asked a question that troubles us all: How do we stay pure in a contaminating environment? We cannot do this on our own but must have counsel and strength more dynamic than the tempting influences around us. Where can we find that strength and wisdom? By reading God's Word and doing what it says. [Life Application SB]


   Many of the amusements popular in the world today, even with those who claim to be Christians, tend to the same end as did those of the heathen. There are indeed few among them that Satan does not turn to account in destroying souls. Through the drama he has worked for ages to excite passion and glorify vice. The opera, with its fascinating display and bewildering 460  music, the masquerade, the dance, the card table, Satan employs to break down the barriers of principle and open the door to sensual indulgence. In every gathering for pleasure where pride is fostered or appetite indulged, where one is led to forget God and lose sight of eternal interests, there Satan is binding his chains about the soul.
   "Keep thy heart with all diligence," is the counsel of the wise man; "for out of it are the issues of life." Proverbs 4:23. As man "thinketh in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7. The heart must be renewed by divine grace, or it will be in vain to seek for purity of life. He who attempts to build up a noble, virtuous character independent of the grace of Christ is building his house upon the shifting sand. In the fierce storms of temptation it will surely be overthrown. David's prayer should be the petition of every soul: "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10. And having become partakers of the heavenly gift, we are to go on unto perfection, being "kept by the power of God through faith." 1 Peter 1:5.
   Yet we have a work to do to resist temptation. Those who would not fall a prey to Satan's devices must guard well the avenues of the soul; they must avoid reading, seeing, or hearing that which will suggest impure thoughts. The mind should not be left to wander at random upon every subject that the adversary of souls may suggest. "Girding up the loins of your mind," says the apostle Peter, "Be sober, ... not fashioning yourselves according to your former lusts in ... your ignorance: but like as He which called you is holy, be ye yourselves also holy in all manner of living." 1 Peter 1:13-15, R.V. Says Paul, "Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8. This will require earnest prayer and unceasing watchfulness. We must be aided by the abiding influence of the Holy Spirit, which will attract the mind upward, and habituate it to dwell on pure and holy things. And we must give diligent study to the word of God. "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to Thy word." "Thy word," says the psalmist, "have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee." Psalm 119:9, 11. PP459-460

   He [Jesus] rarely rebuked any wrongdoing of His brothers, but He had a word 89 from God to speak to them. Often He was accused of cowardice for refusing to unite with them in some forbidden act; but His answer was, It is written, "The fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding." Job 28:28.
   There were some who sought His society, feeling at peace in His presence; but many avoided Him, because they were rebuked by His stainless life. Young companions urged Him to do as they did. He was bright and cheerful; they enjoyed His presence, and welcomed His ready suggestions; but they were impatient at His scruples, and pronounced Him narrow and strait-laced. Jesus answered, It is written, "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to Thy word." "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee." Psalm 119:9, 11. DA88-89


What You Need to Keep Things Real
   Cultures around the world are absolutely obsessed with appearance and image. They're scooting by, they're skimming, and they're cheating. They're not keeping their promises. They're pretending to be someone they're not. They don't have integrity. In other words, they're hypocrites.
   In ancient Greek culture, actors were referred to as hypocrites because they pretended to be someone else. It's where we get the word "hypocrite."
   When you act one way with one group of people and another way with another group of people, you're being a modern-day hypocrites. You're showing a lack of authenticity - a lack of integrity. But God wants you to be exactly who he made you to be, no matter who is watching.
   So how do you - as a follower of Jesus - keep it real when so many people are faking it?
   There's only one way. You've got to care more about God's approval than the approval of other people. That's the only way you'll ever become a person of integrity.
   If you care about what God thinks, you're going to do the right thing. But if you care more about what other people think, you're often going to do the wrong thing.
   Psalm 119:9 says, "How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word" (NIV).
   The only way to know what God approves of and what he thinks of you is by reading the Bible. You must stay in God's Word! If you don't, you will not have the strength and the stamina to live with integrity.
   If I don't have a daily quiet time with God, if I miss it for even a few days, I notice it - and everyone else notices it - because I start getting cranky. If I didn't stay connected to God through his Word, I would not have any spiritual power to clearly explain the Word of God to you. I would not have the strength to live with integrity.
   Living with integrity takes spiritual power because what is right is often unpopular. On your own, you'll get tired trying to do the right thing, trying to be real, and trying to keep the right motives - so you need to be equipped and refreshed.
   Do you want to live as a person of integrity - someone who is the same no matter where you are or who you're with? Then commit to spending daily time reading and studying the Bible, God's Word. It's the only place you'll find the spiritual power you need. [Daily Devotional by Rick Warren: https://pastorrick.com/devotional/]

Sexual Purity Begins With a Commitment
   Is it possible in the 21st century to live a sexually pure life? To refrain from sex before marriage and stay faithful during marriage?
   Yes! But it has to start with a commitment.
   The Bible says, "How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word" (Psalm 119:9 NIV). To be sexually pure in the 21st century (or any century), you'll need a standard to live by. You can either build your standard by yourself or choose God's standard. You must decide whether God knows more about what's best for your life than you do.
   God says several things in his Word that aren't popular, particularly when it comes to sex. Why does he say those things? He knows more about sex than you do. He also understands the implications far better than you do. You have to decide that, even when you don't understand it, you don't like it, and when it's not popular, you're going to do what God's Word says, regardless of what you think or what your friends think.
   Until you're willing to make that kind of commitment, you're not ready to be pure in an impure world. You can only be pure by following God's standard.
   God thought up sex. It was his idea, but he did put a few parameters around it. His standard has never changed. It's very clear, regardless of opinion polls or anything else.
   Sex is far more than physical. It's a spiritual act with physical, social, legal, and emotional consequences. If sex were just physical, it'd be like a handshake. It wouldn't matter who you had sex with. But sex is more than physical.
   The Bible makes it clear that sex is exclusively reserved for a husband and a wife who are committed to one another in a marriage. Anything outside of that, like sex before marriage and sex outside of marriage, will have profound consequences on your emotions and your spiritual life, and it may even physically harm you.
   God's standards are in your best interest. If you want to live by them--and avoid all the negative consequences that come from living outside of them - it starts with a commitment. [Daily Devotional by Rick Warren: https://pastorrick.com/devotional/]


   I used to panic when my gas tank dropped below half full. My husband was battling leukemia, and we had to be vigilant about infections that could attack his weakened immune system and become fatal within hours. If he spiked a fever, we'd rush to the emergency room, where he'd receive antibiotics by IV before being transported to the cancer center two hours away. I never wanted to be caught with an empty gas tank.
   I wish I were as diligent about keeping my spiritual tank full. As soon as I begin my quiet time, the cat begs to go outside. After obeying her orders, I settle in with my Bible and discover a scripture that will speak to a friend in her struggle. I pause to text the encouraging words to her. She texts back, and the next thing I know, we're planning a shopping trip.
   Cats and cell phones are obvious distractions. Less obvious is the book I'm reading by my favorite Bible teacher. I've substituted her words for the Word several days in a row. The biggest disruptions that upset my morning routine are coffee dates, medical appointments, or sleepless nights. It seems my friends and doctors and insomnia always want to visit the same week. Yours too?
   Then Saturday arrives. My tank is dangerously close to empty, which isn't healthy for me spiritually, emotionally, mentally, or relationally. I need to check my gauge often, eliminate distractions, and protect my morning schedule. FILLING MY SPIRITUAL TANK ISN'T COMPLICATED. I JUST NEED TO TAKE THE TIME TO CONNECT WITH JESUS - THE FUEL I NEED FOR A SPIRITUALLY FULL LIFE. Karen Sargent
   Faith Step: How full is your spiritual tank today? What distractions do you need to eliminate in order to fill it? [Mornings With Jesus 2024 Devotional by Guideposts and Zondervan]


Psalm 119:2 - The Blessing and Joy of Seeking and Obeying God and His Word.

Psalm 119:11 - The Importance of Memorizing Scripture.

