
Matthew 26:41 - Victory Over Temptation And Sin.

Matthew 26:41 (KJV) Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.


The way to overcome temptation is to keep watch and pray. Watching means being aware of the possibilities of temptation, sensitive to the subtleties, and spiritually equipped to fight it. Because temptation strikes where we are most vulnerable, we can't resist it alone. Prayer is essential because God's strength can shore up our defenses and defeat Satan's power. [Life Application SB]

Because the flesh is weak, every child of God needs supernatural empowerment (see Rom. 8:3, 4). [Nelson SB]


The lighthouse Keeper
   Ida Lewis was dubbed "The Bravest Woman in America" for the dozens of daring rescues she performed as lighthouse keeper of Lime Rock in Newport, Rhode Island. With her first rescue at 12 years old and her last in her early 60s, Ida devoted her life to watching out for others' safety. Over the course of her tenure, she saved men and women, friends and family, and even a sheep, from drowning. Her vigilant surveillance earned her national renown, a U.S. Coast Guard medal, and a visit from then - President Ulysses S. Grant.
   Are you standing watch at your spiritual lighthouse? Are you vigilantly surveying the waters, scanning for danger, prepared to tackle any trouble? This promise from God is also an instruction and a warning: To defend against temptation, we are to "watch and pray:'
   Previous to this admonition, Jesus told six parables found in Matthew 24:43-51; 25:1-46 and Mark 13:34-37. Reading through these passages, you will find that watching involves actively working for God's purposes, both "looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God" (2 Peter 3:12). Active service as a "lighthouse keeper" of God's will strengthens you to resist temptation.
   As you're watching, pray. Jesus Himself was doing exactly that when He gave this counsel to His disciples (Matthew 26:36-46). Pray for God's help in guarding against temptation (6:13). Pray, knowing that your flesh is too weak to withstand the devil without power from on high.
   God promises that as you "watch and pray." He will strengthen your weak flesh against the devil's temptations, that it may work with and not against your willing spirit. God promises that His power is more than enough to prevent you from drowning.
   My Redeemer, my "flesh is weak" against the devil's temptations, so I pray for watchfulness until You come. [The Most Amazing Bible Promises by Amazing Facts]


Why We Need To Watch And Pray
   So we may resist temptation, and force Satan to depart from us, Jesus gained the victory through submission and faith in God, and by the apostle He says to us, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you."(1 James 4:7, 8.) We cannot save ourselves from the tempter's power; he has conquered humanity, and when we try to stand in our own strength, we shall become a prey to his devices; but "the name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it, and is safe."(2 Prov. 18:10.) Satan trembles and flees before the weakest soul who finds refuge in that mighty name.  DA131

Watch and Pray
   We are pilgrims and strangers in this world, traveling a path beset with dangers from those who have rejected the only One who could save them. Ingenious subterfuges and scientific problems will be held out before us, to tempt us to swerve from our allegiance, but we are not to heed them. Let every soul be on the alert. The adversary is on your track. Be vigilant, watching carefully lest some masterly snare shall take you unaware...
   The experience of the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane contains a lesson for the Lord's people today ... They did not realize the necessity of watchfulness and earnest prayer in order to withstand temptation. Many today are fast asleep, as were the disciples. They are not watching and praying lest they enter into temptation. Let us often read and give careful study to those portions of God's Word that have special reference to these last days, pointing out the dangers that will threaten God's people.
   We need keen, sanctified perception. This perception is not to be used in criticizing and condemning one another, but in discerning the signs of the times. We are to keep our hearts with all diligence that we may not make shipwreck of faith. Those who neglect to watch and pray in these days of peril; those who neglect to unite with their brethren in seeking the Lord, but who stand aloof from God's appointed agencies in the church, are in grave danger of strengthening themselves in their own way, following the impulses of their own minds, and of refusing to heed the admonitions of the Lord...
   Let every believer closely examine himself to ascertain what are his weak points. Let him cherish a spirit of humility and plead with the Lord for grace and wisdom and for the faith that works by love and purifies the soul. Let him cast away all self-confidence... Self-confidence leads to a lack of watchfulness... Those who walk humbly before God, distrustful of their own wisdom, will realize their danger and will know the power of God's keeping care.  HP 97  

The reason why so many are left to themselves in places of temptation is that they do not set the Lord always before them. When we permit our communion with God to be broken, our defense is departed from us. Not all your good purposes and good intentions will enable you to withstand evil. You must be men and women of prayer. Your petitions must not be faint, occasional, and fitful, but earnest, persevering, and constant. It is not always necessary to bow upon your knees in order to pray. Cultivate the habit of talking with the Saviour when you are alone, when you are walking, and when you are busy with your daily labor. Let the heart be continually uplifted in silent petition for help, for light, for strength, for knowledge. Let every breath be a prayer..... It was through faith and prayer that Jacob, from being a man of feebleness and sin, became a prince with God. It is thus that you may become men and women of high and holy purpose, of noble life, men and women who will not for any consideration be swayed from truth, right, and justice. All are pressed with urgent cares, burdens, and duties, but the more difficult your position and the heavier your burdens, the more you need Jesus. MH510-511

Those who teach and preach the most effectively are those who wait humbly upon God, and watch hungrily for His guidance and His grace. Watch, pray, work--this is the Christian's watchword. The life of a true Christian is a life of constant prayer. ...  It is only through the strength and grace gained from heaven that we can hope to meet the temptations and perform the duties before us.  GW257,8

We may close every door to impure imaginings and unholy thoughts by lifting the soul into the presence of God through sincere prayer. Those whose hearts are open to receive the support and blessing of God will walk in a holier atmosphere than that of earth and will have constant communion with heaven.  SC99


It will require effort, and discipline of mind and soul, to maintain a devotional spirit. 5T409

"Either prayer is removing sin from our lives or sin is removing prayer from our lives" Chikonga Maimbo ChikongaM@Compulink.co.zw

When you can have the best; Why would you want anything less? Pastor Trevor Thompson


Matthew 26:41 - Victory over Temptation and Sin.

Psalm 127:1 - Leave God Out Of The Picture And Suffer The Consequences!

1 Corinthians 10:13 - Temptation Comes with Limits and a Way of Escape.

Colossians 4:2 - Ready For Eternity.

