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Acts 20:35 - It Is More Blessed To Give Than To Receive.Acts 20:35 (ESV) In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"INTRODUCTION This is a rare instance of a saying of Jesus not found in the canonical Gospels. [NIV SB] By this time (approximately A.D. 56; 25 years after the resurrection of Jesus) written and oral collections of the sayings of Jesus had wide circulation. Some became a part of the four Gospels: others did not. The Gospel writers didn't write everything they remembered about Jesus. Rather, the Holy Spirit led them to record only selected sayings and deeds of Christ (John 21:25). Other ancient manuscripts about Jesus have been discovered, but we cannot rely upon them as God-inspired because the early church did not include them in the canon (officially recognized books) of Scripture. [Quest SB] COMMENTARY PEARLS At three years old, my niece, Hallie, packed her first shoebox for Operation Christmas Child and learned it was more blessed to give than to receive. She spread a bag of gifts on the floor and placed them one by one in the box - finger puppets, princess Band-Aids, snowman pajamas, animal stickers. When she came to a sparkly purse, she paused. "Mommy, can I have this purse?" "No, sweetie. That's for the little girl who doesn't have very much," my sister reminded her. "Can I keep these stickers? I love stickers." My sister smiled. "That little girl across the ocean will love those stickers too. Thank you for sending her such a special present." The following morning, my sister noticed the shoebox lid was raised a bit. Did Hallie take something out? She opened the box and, instead, found one of Hallie's favorite baby dolls squeezed in among the items inside. The lesson Hallie learned at three took root in her heart. She is now a caring young woman who blesses those around her with unusual thoughtfulness and overflowing generosity. Kids naturally think of themselves, but Jesus teaches everyone to think outside the box: it is more blessed to give than to receive, even when a sparkly purse is involved. Becky Alexander Faith Step: Introduce an children or young people in your life to serving and giving in Jesus's name through a local church or ministry. [Mornings With Jesus 2024 Devotional by Guideposts and Zondervan] I drove eight hours to volunteer at Operation Christmas Child in Boone, North Carolina. I dreaded the long drive, but I was eager to work in the processing center. The large warehouse buzzed with smiling people, workstations, conveyor belts, and forklifts. Holiday music rang through the rafters. Crates of toys, school supplies, toothbrushes, and other colorful shoebox gifts filled the building with Christmas joy. It was like helping in Santa's workshop - only better - because the mission was sharing Jesus with kids around the world. I took my position at station 14, checking shoeboxes for prohibited items, such as foods, liquids, and gels. Then I added extra surprises, if space allowed, before passing the boxes down the line to be taped shut and placed in cartons. After two hours, the music stopped and everyone grew quiet. A chaplain asked us to put our hands on the shoeboxes near us. "Dear Jesus," he prayed, "You are the reason we serve and celebrate today. We pray for the children who will receive these gifts. May their hearts be open to Your offer of salvation, and may they discover the hope we have in You. In Your beloved name, amen." Over the next five days, we prayed for shoebox recipients every two hours. I cried each time, touched by the magnitude of the mission. The experience enriched my Christmas with meaning and purpose. I can't wait to make the drive and serve again. Becky Alexander Faith Step: Check out the ministry of Operation Christmas Child at samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child. Join us in praying for the children of the world. [Mornings With Jesus 2024 Devotional by Guideposts and Zondervan fm Rom. 12:11, 12] It was 90 degrees Fahrenheit that July day when I first contacted Larry's church to talk about Christmas. As a volunteer for Operation Christmas Child, I invited churches in my county to pack shoeboxes of gifts for kids around the world. With over a hundred calls to make, I started early in the year. Larry accepted the challenge for his small church and felt they could possibly do twentyfive boxes. He picked up a few supplies from me to promote the idea among fellow members. During National Collection Week in November, he arrived at the drop-off site with a carload of festive packages. "I'm sorry, Becky. We tried, but we only filled eighteen shoeboxes." "Larry, eighteen is wonderful! That's eighteen kids who will learn about Jesus," I said. Volunteers gathered around Larry and me. I prayed for Larry's church and the children who would receive the shoeboxes. Like Larry, some might focus on the boxes that didn't get filled, but I believe every box is provided by Jesus. Like a tiny mustard seed can become a full-sized tree, eighteen gospel opportunities can grow to reach many more. When kids hear the good news, they often share Jesus with their parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends. All work for the Kingdom is eternally important, no matter how small. Becky Alexander Faith Step: Start big - or small. Spread hope through a shoebox or another act of service this season. [Mornings With Jesus 2024 Devotional by Guideposts and Zondervan fm Mat. 13:31, 32] ONE LINERS Random Acts of Kindness: The opportunity to bless others is a gift from God that makes us at once human and divine. [www.adventist.org] Live simply that others may simply live. [source unknown] LINKS FOR FURTHER STUDY Acts 20:35 - It Is More Blessed To Give Than To Receive. https://www.abible.com/devotions/2023/20230107-0909.html Luke 6:38 - The Secret to Giving. https://www.abible.com/devotions/2024/20241206-1519.html Matthew 25:31-46 - The Parable of The Sheep and Goats; The Final Judgment. http://www.abible.com/devotions/2021/20210524-1002.html LINKS WORTH CHECKING OUT https://abible.com/links/ |