John 1:1 (NKJV) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 (NIV) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 (ESV) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 (AMP) In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself. [Isa.9:6] WORD STUDY The WORD: HIS NAME IS CALLED THE WORD OF GOD. Revelation 19:13b (NKJV) Only John uses this title for the Lord. As the Word of God, Jesus is the image of the invisible God (Col 1:15); the express image of His person (Heb 1:3); and the final, full revelation from God (Heb 1:1, 2). [MacArthur SB 2003] INTRODUCTION John has the immortal honor of having conceived and meditated and inscribed the most magnificent passage ever written with pen and ink. The first fourteen verses of his Gospel stand alone and supreme over all other literature. "The Word was with God, and the Word was God." These two phrases contain far more philosophy, far more grace and truth and beauty and love, than all the rest that has ever been written by pen of man or spoken by tongue of man or angel. Alexander Whyte [Day by Day Through the Gospel of John by Lance Wubbels] John shows Jesus as fully human and fully God. Although Jesus took upon himself full humanity and lived as a man, he never ceased to be the eternal God who has always existed, the creator and sustainer of all things, and the source of eternal life. This is the truth about Jesus and the foundation of all truth. If we cannot or do not believe this basic truth, we will not have enough faith to trust our eternal destiny to him. That is why John wrote this Gospel - to build faith and confidence in Jesus Christ so that we may believe that he truly was and is the Son of God. [Life Application SB 2019] COMMENTARY PEARL Dwelling In The Word Of God Something beautiful and transformational happens when we linger and sit in the Word of God. Through Christ and the inspired words of the Spirit, we have access to the very depths of God. We don't have to settle for a surface-level relationship with our Savior. Scripture is the revelation of the One who spoke the cosmos into existence, and it now rests in your hands. Something powerful shifts when you realize that Jesus, the eternal Creator of the universe, is with you in these pages. So many times we come to read the Word and fail to acknowledge that Jesus is with us. When you allow this reality to sink into your heart, it will change the way you read your Bible. It's not a chore - it's communion. A kinship. A conversation. Let your Bible be well-worn as you come to Him every day with humble curiosity and honest prayers. Seek and search for His character in the pages as the Holy Spirit empowers you to uncover His mystery. Dear God, I am blown away by the fact that as I read Your Word, You are with me. Help me to slow down and dwell with You today. [Grace and Glory by Louie Giglio] LINKS FOR FURTHER STUDY John 1:1 - Jesus Is God. 2 Timothy 3:15-17 - The Bible: God's Owner's Manual for Life. LINKS WORTH CHECKING OUT